About Me
"Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research." ~ Carl G. Jung

Hello! Welcome to Let’s Talk Forties and Beyond. I am Andrea, Orange County, California based blogger, home-based business owner, amateur photographer and writer, gardener, foodie, travel and fashion lover, home décor admirer, organizer, mom to two munchkins ages 10 and 4, wife of 12 years and a friend to some fabulous women. I would love to share with you all I have learned in my forty something years. To encourage you to make your lives better and to help you make your bad days more bearable. I believe you can stay classy and trendy even in your golden years and that life at forty is just starting. I believe good friends are worth more than gold, and in not giving up on those you love…and yes, that includes yourself!
I am so happy you have decided to join me on this journey! Let’s talk forties and beyond…